
tonight was a good night for a little more garden maintenance.  there is a dry block wall that separates the seedling beds from the rest of the garden.  and it hold a few pots with petunias each summer.  it was time for a little rebuilding and leveling.  and tomorrow i might even get back to finishing the compost pile.  the flower tonight – Apophis a very dark flowing flower.  four images…

6 thoughts on “patience

  1. jmnowak

    Hi john, Do you ever pick them for an indoors still life photos? They would look fabulous! Love this one, and the stripey ones on the left.

    1. John Hric Post author

      JM – so far I generally do not. I can see where it would give me some advantages that are difficult to overcome in the garden. So I will have to keep it in mind. It certainly allow me to take pictures during the full sunlight period in the garden. On the other hand I hybridize – so the main purpose of my images is to record and observe the seedlings. and I would not want o bring them all indoors to shoot. I am glad you enjoy the flowers and thanks for the idea !

    1. John Hric Post author

      If we were having a beer I would apologize and buy this round. Then again afterwards they make the beer taste even better. Pace yourself Dan we are not getting any younger.


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