
not clouds. cloud. grey cloud. will the lake freeze at all in february ? this is a genuine plus and minus pro and con situation. and if you at all like sunshine this part is the minus. the con. the downside. for some three months in winter cold winds from the north and warm water from lake erie make cloud. no ‘s’. no plural. singular cloud. grey days. during that time any appearance of the glowing orb is a pleasant miracle. rumor has it we will have several days of partly cloudy. well we can dream. until then dreams of summer will do…

5 thoughts on “cloud

  1. niasunset

    “….no ‘s’. no plural. singular cloud. grey days. during that time any appearance of the glowing orb is a pleasant miracle….”
    Dear John, what a beautiful expressions… and situation about clouds… or cloud… I have never looked on this way. This is amazing. Beautiful flower as always dancing as if.. Thank you dear John, have a nice day, Love, nia


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