Category Archives: gardens

what snow

it did finally snow here. it is 21 degrees fahrenheit -6 c and lake affect snow. come wednesday it is supposed to go back to the 40 degree 4 c range. now a couple of parent plants and one of their seedlings. and some thoughts of summer…

before winter

winter may have arrived in cleveland this weekend. it was a long time coming. it did snow briefly in november. that did not prevent the johnny jump up from blooming. not even after the snow. the daylily was from a bit earlier before the snow. near the end of august…


is it really safe to go from one late night movie to another. from venom to space balls ? there might just be a great artistic and philosophical chasm between the two. one flower will work for tonight. a seedling Bark At Me x unknown. at least we are used to dealing with the chasm separating the unknown…


today was a wet day. rain. no digging. a good day for going through pictures from this summer. a good day to see the some of the ones i missed. or the ones i took and forgot. a good day to go to our local blood charity and donate platelets. a good day to help patients who need platelets. people i will never see. people with the hope to go home to see their loved ones. today is a good day.

Real Ether

a stroll

that is what it is called when i wander in a garden.   we continue down a path in Xenia.  this flower is a poly chrome.   a pastel blend of peach and pink, one color drifting and blushing into another.  three images…

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one more

this is today’s entry into this summer’s bloom list.  add Gadsden Goliath a 9.5 inch 24 cm bloom on a 36 inch 91 cm plant.  add that to the eight other daylilies blooming now and soon there will be no pause in bloom.  there will be too many to look at than to spend time counting.   the sea of green will be covered by a sea of color.   three images…

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next note

the other night i was not sure if a flower was Noe Claire.  tonight a little farther down the virtual row of flower pictures i have become sure.  sure that the first flower was not.  and sure that this flower is Noe Claire.  that note ( picture form ) sure helps.  even if, like most other things around here, it is a little fuzzy.  two images ( and a note )…

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great night

tonight was a great night for a little weeding in the garden.  finish clearing the weeds from the one year seedling bed.  and clear the worst of the weeds from last year’s new observation bed.  the weather was a bit on the crisp side with a touch of a breeze.  and the sky was clear and blue.  it was also a great night to drift off on the couch after finding a flower.  now just a bit more text and to really call it a night.  I think the next several nights will be flowers from my friend Dave’s garden.  this is one of his seedlings.   two images…

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