Tag Archives: Isolde

used raindrops

half price a yard of used raindrops.  now if they could be bottled and sold with both the sunshine and the flowers someone might just buy them.  keep walking.  there are other flowers here among the daylilies.  a bit of yarrow, larkspur, and a hint of red poppy.  we follow that with a yellow hued seedling.  and close with a view of Isolde which is frequently happy to bloom with four petals instead of the usual three.  five images…


different day same summer

i did not want to say different day same flower.  why ?  because it is not.  they are both from the same plant exactly one day apart.  and they are two different flowers.  what makes them not so similar ?  is it the light, the time of day, different temperature ranges over the two day period ?  something affected the image quality.  they were taken with the same camera.  and yes different cameras can be part of the change.  they are both pictures of Isolde taken today and yesterday here in this garden.  and while we are puzzling a puzzle of a lighter subject matter.  where do fairy elephants hang their tusks ?  several images…


it rained this morning

and it is raining again now.  so the hosta looked like this…  bejeweled with water.

hosta leaf n water IMG_7821

and Isolde looked like this.  it is a poly.  extra petals.  four petals instead of three, and three sepals.  and to match the pattern there are 7 stamens, one for each petal and sepal.  if you look carefully there are two stamen next to the pistil.

isolde det odd poly macro IMG_7815 isolde det odd poly IMG_7815


i do believe the tide has turned.

more moving

another five plants moved today.  slowly the old seedling bed is being cleared.  and soon a new crop of seeds will be planted.  a walk around the yard revealed more plants coming into bloom.  dianthus, iris, and lupine are in flower.  and flower scapes are starting to appear on other daylilies.  Paper Butterfly, Delta Force, and Isolde all have flower scapes growing.  and at the moment Delta Force seems to be in the lead.  then again i just might not be looking in the right places and some other flower scape is just waiting to surprise me.  until then another flower from last summer – from a garden in Lebanon Ohio.  a seedling.  a skinny seedling…  two images

vod spider sdlg macro vod spider sdlg det

Isolde in the garden

Isolde the flower blooms here in the garden.  It does well in spite of the separation from Tristan.  And yes Mr. Lambert named a flower for Tristan.  With the shortage of space here in my garden they just may remain separated.

isoldeAs you can see Isolde frequently blooms poly.  Not just beloved by Tristan, it is a much loved favorite here. too.  .