Tag Archives: flower

compost, hate, and apologies. oh my !

it feels like a very bad dream where the things you want most not to happen do happen.  how did i and we get here ?  how do we wake up ?  if you have been here a few times you know i strongly believe in the value of compost.  what some people would throw away is the most valuable.  compost enriches the garden and brings forth good things.  rather than dance around the elephant in the room i will come right out and say it.  there are no shit hole countries.  i think there are many many many people who along with me did not say the contrary and yet like myself will apologize for this sad unspeakable event.  i am sorry.  we are sorry.  great happenings, great people come from unexpected places.  if you do not believe me ask a son of Kenya.  i could go on except i will opt to keep things simple.  great things do not come from hate.  i am very very sorry.  i will close with an equally embarrassed flower.

purple to orange

this is a plant that has been a parent to several seedlings.  and will be again.  skinny and bright orange.  search for Bagana and find a few.  if not Bagana perhaps one of its seedlings will be crossed with last night’s plant  Thorhalla.  three images…


lavender again ! ? !

yes.  another Irish Lullaby seedling.   this one is a cross with another seedling –  Blue Lustre and Mascara Snake.  this one has full formed round petals.  it is not as skinny as yesterday’s flower.  and it is every bit as pretty.

12-150 Irish Lullaby x 11-07-27-A Blue Luster x breath of blue air x mascara snake det 12-150 Irish Lullaby x 11-07-27-A Blue Luster x breath of blue air x mascara snake macro


purple seedling

this is most likely a sibling to this other seedling.  then again it could be my extremely accurate ability to almost get things right…  two images

12G-003 Starman's Quest x Stargate Portal macro 12G-003 Starman's Quest x Stargate Portal det



found in the garden

what is in the garden ?  well if you are doing it right – you are.  it does not have to be your garden.  it just has to be you in a garden.  any garden.  that includes untended and wild gardens.  sometimes you just have to be there.  see it and feel it.  find it.   tonight this is what is to be found in the digital garden.  a seedling  –   Prague Spring x Gift Tie) x Sally Sue.  two images..

12-092 Prauge Spring x Gift Tie) x Sally Sue  det 12-092 Prauge Spring x Gift Tie) x Sally Sue macro


seedlings bloom

this is a seedling.  one that is doing what i most enjoy seeing.  an open star shaped form.  petals that are longer and narrow.  petals with a bit of a pinch.  now the questions comes – given some time to recover from transplant how tall will these flowers grow ?  two images..

11-047 Highland Pinched Fingers x South Seas)x(Highland Pinched Fingers x Monster macro 11-047 Highland Pinched Fingers x South Seas)x(Highland Pinched Fingers x Monster det


quick now

it is late.  where is the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland when one needs him ?   and the fairies are outside sprinkling that white stuff !  this is the other flower – the one that at least for now will not be named for a granddaughter.  the sibling to this flower has an alternate destiny.  and we will get to that one in good time.  right now were gonna do the one that will remain a seedling for now.  though i think one way or another it too just might be registered…


a nudge from the far corner

some crosses are a stretch.  whether it’s a far out left handed crochet, an unusual quilting maneuver, or a strange shot from half court – sometimes you have to let it all hang out and take a swing, make a cross you normally would not take.  then again some of us are more comfortable doing this with a higher frequency.  abandoning the sure thing in exchange for a possible sure surprise.  this is one.  a seedling with one half from a newer daylily and the other going back to much earlier times.  and the orange shade makes for a nice change.  two images…

12-148 sdlg frans hals kid drive x North Wind Dancer macro 12-148 sdlg frans hals kid drive x North Wind Dancer  det


big flower

big clump.  they are Webster’s Pink Wonder.  a 13 in 33 cm flower on a 36 in 86 cm tall plant.  time to let this flower take over    three images

webster's pink wonder clump

webster's pink wonder det 001 webster's pink wonder macro
